Monday, May 30, 2011

2030 Challenge

The AIA, American Institute of Architects, has put a challenge out to the building community.  The challenge is to have buildings  using no fossil fuel to operate.  This is a  challenge first for all new buildings.  Second, the challenge would like to see renovation to the same goal, in an equal square footage or more to the new buildings.  Starting in 2010, the goal is a 60% reduction in fossil fuel.  Then it is prorated every 5 years by 10% until 2030.  What does that mean?  There are other goals out there for green buildings.
First and foremost is the LEED, Leadership in Environmental and Energy Design.  LEED  is not a code, but a set of guidelines to make buildings more sustainable.
ZNE, or Zero Net Energy, is a building with zero net energy and zero carbon emissions.
Carbon Neutral is a goal.  It can be offsetting carbon emissions with surplus renewable energy, or buying carbon emission credits.  Or growing trees to offset your carbon use.  There are calculators online that will help you find your own carbon footprint.
Many of these goals start with the architect and the siting and design of the building. Lots of Insulation and renewable energy sources like wood burning, solar and photovoltaics can be used.

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