Saturday, December 2, 2017

Bicyle route to Work

Along my new route to Work

Starting in our Driveway

Going Up Kenwick

Past the Lutheran Church on Dewitt

Avoiding hole in the Road

Along Forman Street

Going Home under Rte. 690

Outside our Office

Going up the Handicap Ramp

Carrying my Bike down the Stairs

Parked for the Day

Near Rose Hill Park

Zonta House

Recent House Demolition along Dewitt

Top of Rose Hill Cemetery, Oliver Teall Monument

Center of Excellence with Solar Panels

Washington Avenue

Going up Willow, by Rose Hill Park

Wednesday, June 21, 2017

Summer bicycling

my summer clothes for my commute;:
I recently changed my job, and now ride my bicycle 6 miles round trip each day.  A somewhat more hilly commute than my previous job.  And I use an evaporative cooling towel around my neck.  It works well.  After soaking it and draping around my neck, I am cool for the whole ride.  And at the end of the ride when I stop and heat up, it is handy as a wet wipe for my sweaty self.

Saturday, January 21, 2017

January bicycling and Solar Cooking

This month I am riding to work for the first time in January since I started commuting by bicycle 6 years ago.   Not so much snow, and temperatures in the thirties.

I also got my solar cookers out for the first time.  It was partly cloudy this morning, but an early afternoon shower put a damper on things.  I finished the apple in the microwave, and finished the biscuits in the toaster oven.