Saturday, September 14, 2019

Our new Roof - Metal

Having researched new roofs, we have decided to get a metal standing seam roof, green color selected by Ginny to go with the brown siding and green shutters on the house.
The metal will be recyclable at the end of it’s 40 plus year life.  It does have a higher cost upfront.  I was warned it is not a do it yourself project (just the garage I was thinking) as the installer is subject to cuts.  Hopefully with our new roof, we will get solar panels on on the next several years.  Previously I had been told that solar people recommend you put on a new roof first, if your roof is more than 10 years old.
We contacted some roofingfirms and selected Garvin Construction.

Bicycling update, January 2019

I have broken new boundaries for cold weather commute.  Starting at 22 degrees one morning in December, I’ve added long underwear on top, a scarve over my chartreuse balaclava, and heavy mittens instead of gloves.  I now regularly brave mid teens for my morning commute.