Sunday, June 1, 2014

June 1 Flowers in the Garden

The flowers have once again made their annual appearance.
Our old fashioned yellow rose from Lina is coming in to bloom

The Iris are in full bloom

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Daisies are everywhere.  Spiraea is just gone past.

Obstacles for Bicycles in my commute to work

JULY, 2015

I didn't see this one coming, Flat Tire

Oil and gravel on the road by work.  Slower travel on the side of the road for bicycles.

From June, 2014

Some items on the side of the road

Not a large obstacle

After a storm, down branches migrate to the side of the road

This drainage grate was hidden under a puddle on a rainy day when I hit it.  Fortunately I didn't get thrown from my bike, as there was traffic