Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Save The Rain Project

The County of Onondaga has a program to keep rainwater out of the combined sewers, and avoiding additional sewage overflow treatment during rainstorms.  One of the measures is at Forman Park, downtown, which is being relandscaped with trees.  Trees, shrubs and plantings slow down runoff and allow it to infiltrate the soil.  
Water Street, Outside of the Erie Canal Museum, Syracuse, NY

We were downtown this past weekend to visit the Erie Canal Museum and the annual Gingerbread House exhibit.  We did not park near the museum as that side ot the street was off limits due to constuction.  The city is constructing a strip of permeable pavement along Water Street.  The permeable pavement will allow capture of some of the street runoff, as it drains thru the pavement, temporarily stored in the gravel below, and is absorbed into the earth.

Saturday, November 26, 2011

Our Urban Forest - Schiller Park Forest

Syracuse has some Wonderful Parks, each with their Own unique personality.  This is a walk thru Schiller Park, on the north side of the city.  Pedestrian road around the top of the park
At the Top of the Park
At the top of the Park

Statues of Schiller and Goethe

The Road Back