Friday, October 30, 2015

October 2015 Bicycling report.

October 30, 2015
The first week of this month I went over 1000 miles for the year commuting to work, based on an 8 mile round trip.  It the snow doesn't fly for another two months I should reach 1300 miles for the year.
We visited Portland Oregon this month to visit our daughter.  The back roads in our area of the city all had speed bumps with a narrow lane through for bicycles.  We learned to take the major through streets in our Prius to avoid them.  Our housing was a cottage in the Alberta Arts district that we had located through AirBNB.  The amenities we really liked were the clothes washer and dryer, and the full kitchen.
We walked alot around the area, but no bicycling.  While there, on tv they showed a horrific bike/pedestrian accident.  The light had changed, the lady started walking across, and a bicycle coming down a hill in the bike lane  hit her at full speed.  The lady went to the hospital with broken bones.  There is an ongoing investigation.  WATCH OUT when walking across bike lanes for high speed bikes that aren't looking.

Tuesday, February 24, 2015

Our Solar in the Winter

I am taking a course designing solar water heaters.  Based on the azimuth of your house related to south, and the angle of the collectors, and shading, and tables giving us our average amount of solar thru the year, we can calculate the square footage of collectors required to heat our water during the months of the year.  But I have not yet seen 0 solar collected in the winter months, which is what happens when your collectors are covered with snow.

Snow at our house this year from January thru February.  My design would put collectors on the right upper side of the house, to keep the snow off the collectors.